
Postgres SSL Enforcement


Postgres SSL Enforcement is currently in beta and is slowly being made available to all projects. Contact support if you'd like to request early access.

Your Supabase project supports connecting to the Postgres DB without SSL enabled to maximize client compatibility. For increased security, you can prevent clients from connecting if they're not using SSL.

SSL enforcement only applies to connections to both Postgres and PgBouncer ("Connection Pooler"); all HTTP APIs offered by Supabase (e.g., PostgREST, Storage, Auth) automatically enforce SSL on all incoming connections.

To get started:

  1. Install the Supabase CLI 1.37.0+.
  2. Log in to your Supabase account using the CLI.
  3. Ensure that you have Owner or Admin permissions for the project that you are enabling SSL enforcement.

Check enforcement status#

You can use the get subcommand of the CLI to check whether SSL is currently being enforced:

1> supabase ssl-enforcement --project-ref {ref} get --experimental
2SSL is being enforced.

Or similarly, if SSL is not being enforced, you will see:

1> supabase ssl-enforcement --project-ref {ref} get --experimental
2SSL is *NOT* being enforced.

Update enforcement#

The update subcommand is used to change the SSL enforcement status for your project:

1> supabase ssl-enforcement --project-ref {ref} update --enable-db-ssl-enforcement --experimental
2SSL is now being enforced.

Similarly, to disable SSL enforcement:

1> supabase ssl-enforcement --project-ref {ref} update --disable-db-ssl-enforcement --experimental
2SSL is *NOT* being enforced.
Need some help?

Not to worry, our specialist engineers are here to help. Submit a support ticket through the Dashboard.