
Spend cap

Supabase offers a "Spend Cap" on each project to manage your usage and costs.

This Spend Cap determines whether your project can exceed the free quota allowance of any line item in a given billing cycle. If you exceed the free quota allowance of a line item, and the Spend Cap is "off", then you will be billed for any additional usage on that line item.

What additional usage can I be charged for?#

Supabase charges for certain usage line items in your project. Those line items include:

  • Database Size
  • Storage Size
  • Egress
  • Asset transformations
  • Realtime concurrent peak connections
  • Realtime messages
  • Edge function invocations
  • Number of Edge functions

You can view the pricing, and free quota allowance of each line item on the pricing page.

You can monitor your usage and costs using the Usage section of your project in the dashboard. This will show you how much you have spent so far in the current billing cycle, as well as an estimate of your expected total cost for the cycle based on your current usage.

How can I turn the Spend Cap on or off?#

To set up a Spend Cap in your project, navigate to the Subscription section of your project. From there, you can click on "Change subscription" to select the plan you want to use and, at the same time, turn on or off the Spend Cap.

What happens when the Spend Cap is on?#

Once you use all your free quota allowance for a line item, your project will not allow any further usage on that line item until the next billing cycle begins.

This can help you to avoid unexpected costs and manage your expenses more effectively.

What happens when Spend Cap is off?#

Your project will continue to operate after using all the free quota allowance for each line item. This additional usage will be charged based on the line item's cost per unit outlined on the pricing page.


When your Spend Cap is off, we recommend monitoring your consumption and costs using the Usage section of your project in the dashboard.

Need some help?

Not to worry, our specialist engineers are here to help. Submit a support ticket through the Dashboard.