
Serverless APIs

Supabase auto-generates three types of API directly from your database schema.

  • REST - connect to your database through a restful interface, directly from the browser.
  • Realtime - for listening to database changes.
  • GraphQL - a fast and auto-generate GraphQL API.

All the APIs are auto-generated from your database and are designed to get you building as fast as possible, without writing a single line of code.

You can use them directly from the browser (two-tier architecture), or as a complement to your own API server (three-tier architecture).


  • Instant and auto-generated.
    As you update your database the changes are immediately accessible through your API.
  • Self documenting.
    Supabase generates documentation in the Dashboard which updates as you make database changes.
  • Secure.
    The API is configured to work with PostgreSQL's Row Level Security, provisioned behind an API gateway with key-auth enabled.
  • Fast.
    Our benchmarks for basic reads are more than 300% faster than Firebase. The API is a very thin layer on top of Postgres, which does most of the heavy lifting.
  • Scalable.
    The API can serve thousands of simultaneous requests, and works well for Serverless workloads.


Supabase provides a RESTful API using PostgREST. This is a very thin API layer on top of Postgres. It provides everything you need from a CRUD API:

  • Basic CRUD operations
  • Deeply nested joins, allowing you to fetch data from multiple tables in a single fetch
  • Works with Postgres Views
  • Works with Postgres Functions
  • Works with the Postgres security model - including Row Level Security, Roles, and Grants.

GraphQL API #

GraphQL in Supabase works through pg_graphql, an open source PostgreSQL extension for GraphQL.

Realtime API #

Supabase provides a Realtime API using Realtime. You can use this to listen to database changes over websockets. Realtime leverages PostgreSQL's built-in logical replication. You can manage your Realtime API simply by managing Postgres publications. Go to your project's Replication section to get started.

Need some help?

Not to worry, our specialist engineers are here to help. Submit a support ticket through the Dashboard.